Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Some hot Twitter feeds

OK everyone...

I know it's been a little while since I last posted. Truth is, I'm still trying to turn this into a habit. Writting on a schedule has never been a favorite activity. (I like to write, I just don't like to be told when to write)

Anyways, I happened across a couple of Twitter feeds. I'm sure there's lots more out there and I'm sure I'll find some of them. Maybe I'll even review 'em here!

First off; @iLikeGirlsDaily  Not only do you get multiple pics posted daily, (Some are very much NSFW. You've been warned) they even run contests. So you get to look at hot (and I mean HOT) girls AND you get shots at things like Amazon gift cards.  They run a few feeds over there. They've got specific "iLikes" that you can sign up for. (Ass shots, boobs, redheads etc)

Next we have @RateMyKnockers which is exactly what it sounds like. Post after post of some of the most amazing tits you'll ever see.  My God they're beautiful. (And I'm an Ass man, so be impressed!)

That's it for now. I promise to be back sooner with more great material for you to check out!

Until then,

Keep it real. Keep it safe.
